Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello from Mar Del Plata-April 11, 2011

Hola Familia,
So this week was filled with creepy men, new investigators, and surprises...good and bad. It really was impressive how many creepy men we met this week. The first one was a reference from the elders. I guess they didn´t realize how creepy he was or they probably wouldn´t have sent us to his house. But we went and he came out and we told him that we´re missionaries and we´d like to share with him and his family. It was kinda windy that day so my skirt was kinda flying away and I was trying to do everything I could to keep myself modest. He just chuckled and said," Oh, your skirt´s flying up." Then he said he was busy then, but we could come by later. And then he asked us if we were single. We said yes, but we´re missionaries and he said," oh, because I´m looking for someone...." Oh boy. "Well, have a good day, sir." And then he told me that I have a nice voice. Wow, I´m so flattered. So we said good bye and then Hna. Collette laughed at me as we walked down the street, never to return to this creepy man´s house again. But maybe some nice elders will find him again someday. Then we had even more men yell at us than ever before "Oh hey rubia!" "Oh que ojos celestes!" "I want to learn about God!" and one taxista stop and ask if he could drive us somewhere because we were so beautiful. Then to top it all off, on Sunday morning when we were walking to church, this old guy sees us and says," Hey, you dropped something!" so I look behind me to see what I had dropped and he says" Un pétalo." Well, I had no idea what a "pétalo" was so we just kept looking at him like we were confused and he said," What? You didn´t like it?" and walked away. We asked some of the young people at church what the guy had said and they explained that he was saying that we dropped a petal... because we´re flowers. Oooooh, now I get it. So anyway... it was just a week full of creepy men. I hope we have less this next week.
We found two families this week. We went with the elders to meet a family that they had found from a less active lady in their ward. We went to teach the dad, the mom, and their 13 year old daughter. They are so cool and really excited about all the new stuff that they were learning. We went to their house on Tuesday and Thursday and taught them the first two lessons. We were so excited about them and sure that they would get baptized. Then we had a Family Home Evening planned in the church on Saturday night and we had the other family there and the dessert made and we were waiting outside for our lovely investigator family to get there. We had even called a few hours earlier to make sure that they remembered and they knew where the church was. When they didn´t show up on time, we called them and the dad answered. I said his name and that we´re the missionaries and when he realized it was us, he hung up. When we called back, it went straight to his voice mail. We were trying to be optimistic about what had happened, but it was a pretty sad moment. So we still haven´t figured out what happened to them, but hopefully we will be able to go teach them again. They are so great.
A surprise that we got was when we went to see Rocío, our investigator from a while ago, who took my Restoration movie and wanted to watch it. We went to her house to at least get my video back (because we were pretty sure that she was going to drop us) and she said that she knew that we were going to come and she had just been waiting for us. So we went in her house and she said that when we had told her the baptismal date of April 16th like 3 weeks ago, it stayed in her head (even though she had totally rejected the date). And she had been praying and watching the Restoration and reading the Book of Mormon this whole time, trying to figure out what was right. And she told us that she felt like Heavenly Father told her that she needs to be baptized. She´s been to church before a few years ago. Hna. Collette and I just looked at each other, pretty confused, but said that if she wants to reach the goal, she can and we will help her get there. So now we´re planning on baptizing her this Saturday. Life on the mission is pretty much crazy. But we´re excited for her.
We´ll have to wait and see what happens with the rest of our investigators. We hope that they can all progress. And we´re going to keep trying to find new ones. The ward is really great and so ready to help us. We´re trying to work the best we can. Also, the members told us this week that President Monson talked about how the young men need to be preparing to get married. So then I got a lot of jokes about how they´re preparing now and they´ll probably be ready by July when I get home. Oh, members... they just want gossip. They´re probably already stalking my Facebook to see if I have any prospects. :) Well, thanks for all the support and the prayers. I feel good being here in Mar Del Plata and we´re going to be working hard this week, helping Rocío and finding more people who need the gospel. I know I need it and am so grateful that it´s a part of my life. Heavenly Father loves us and is in charge here. We´re going to be so much better off if we just follow what he tells us to do. Love you so much!
Hna. Seegmiller

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