Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Greetings from Argentina!-April 21, 2010

Hello family!
I made it! Can you believe it? It took a million years to get here, but I am finally here. After I talked to Kayela and Karli in Georgia, we got on our flight to Buenos Aires and flew over night. I wanted to talk to someone, but I sat next to an Asian lady who didn´t speak English. That was probably a good thing though because then I slept instead of stayed up talking. I was absolutely disgusting when we got off the plane, but what can you do after traveling for two days? We got a van to take us to the other airport in Buenos Aires and we drove my the temple on the way there. I can know understand why it´s taking a year and a half to renovate - it is completely gutted! We could see out the other side! Kinda sad... Then we waited in the intranational airport and a plane took us to Bahia Blanca. I actually accidentally left my passport on two of the planes. An elder brought it out for me on one of them and I remembered and went back for it on the other plane. My whole travel group thought I was ridiculous and that I lose everything and they actually told that to the assistants when we arrived so they think I´m nuts. Oh well... they might as well know what they´re getting. I talked to this guy next to me on the plane to Bahia Blanca and tried to convince him that God exists. I don´t think he believes me, but I told him that I am going to come talk to him when we´re both still floating around as spirits after we die so that should be fun if he continues to not accept it in this life. When we got to Bahia Blanca, the assistants and Presidente Detlefsen and "the hermana" (that´s what they call her here - I think it´s kinda funny because it sounds like the first lady or something. I guess that´s kinda what she is) met us there. It was so exciting to see and meet them. We went back to the mission home, which is really nice, and ate a delicious dinner and introduced ourselves to everyone. There are 13 new missionaries that came with us - 4 hermanas and 4 elders that came from the MTC and 2 hermanas and 3 elders from the Buenos Aires CCM. Apparently it´s a great time to get into the mission. The president is great - he´s really funny so that was exciting and he doesn´t speak any English. To make a long story shorter, we stayed at a hotel overnight, but our bags didn´t get here until this morning so I looked really good today. That was a lie. We ate breakfast and then had to go get our documentos and then we went to the mission office to meet our trainers. They made us listen to the rules for a long time and finally we got to find out where we´re going and with who. My name was actually the first one called. The assistants had this dramatic slideshow that showed the area and then shot in pictures of one companion and then the other. So I am going to an area called Loay with Hermana Davis. She´s blonde and really cute. She´s from Colorado and went to BYU before the mission. She seems really nice and I´m excited to work with her. We´re going to have a lot of success, I predict. On the slideshow, it also said how many people are in our area - around 8000, which seemed like a lot until we got to Mar Del Plata and there were 100,000. So I´m going to La Pampa, to a tiny pueblito. It´s going to be very different from the city I´m in now, but it sounds like a lot of fun. So far, I absolutely love Argentina. That sounds cliche and it probably is, but the weather has been so nice and it´s not even humid. Some of the people look kinda white, but I definitely still stick out. Also, we ate some facturas (pastries)and some gelato already and I think I might give up that goal of not gaining weight. It will be worth it if I can eat as much of those as I want. The accent is also not as bad as I thought, but they definitely use the zsh instead of ll and y and it´s great. I´m already starting to pick it up. There are 22 sisters in the mission now and about 140ish elders, I think. So I´m getting on a bus at six and driving four hours to Santa Rosa and then taking a taxi to our house in the middle of nowhere. It´s going to be so great! I can´t wait to start teaching people and doing some real missionary work. My mission president and this mission and all the missionaries I´ve met here seem so perfect for me - I´m positive that Heavenly Father knows what he´s doing. I´ll have some more stories once I do something besides travel and I hope it´ll be good stuff to report. Actually, I know it will be. :) I´m praying for all of you and I love you so much. Congrats on being able to get married, Kortni and Jonathan! I´m very happy for you and very sad I can´t be there. Good luck with everything. Know that I´m praying for you. Also, my companion is Hermana Davis, just like one of Kayela´s companions! Twins! Have a great week!
Con amor, (I figure I´m in Argentina now so I better start using some corny Spanish phrase in my emails)
Hermana Seegmiller

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