Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Mother´s Day!- May 9, 2011

Hello family,
It was a very happy Mother´s day here in Argentina... for me and Hna. Clark. Everyone else here is still waiting until October to celebrate it. They´re weird and celebrate it then so we didn´t even get any chocolate or roses because we´ll "be mothers someday." But it was still a good Mother´s Day because I got to Skype the family and it was so fun. Fun to see everyone and discover Jarrett´s ridiculous sideburns. Without the miracle of technology (el milagro de tecnología), I would never have known that important fact. It was actually really weird listening to Hna. Clark talk to her family because we actually have the same first name. So I listened to her family say," We love you, Cass." and "Hey Cassidy! Did you know...?" and it was totally weird. She said the same thing happened to her listening to you guys. Pretty freaky. What are the chances that I would have a companion whose name is also Kasidy?
This last week was pretty good. We got ditched by two investigators. We went by their houses and each one of them tried to give us the BOM back and say that they didn´t want to change from being Catholics. Pretty sad, but sometimes that happens. It´s pretty hard to change. But we told them to keep it and to give it to their friend if they didn´t want it or to keep it and keep reading it. Not the most fun, but they just aren´t ready yet. Someday they will be... In the meantime, we are going to keep looking for those that are ready now. Speaking of those that are ready, we went to the Familia Roberto this week. They are our beautiful family that we are teaching that just moved into our ward from Barrio Centro. We thought of doing a Family Home Evening with them where you use big rocks, little rocks and sand and show how it doesn´t fit if you put in the sand first, but only if you put all the stuff in the jar in a specific order. It´s supposed to be used to teach about how you really have to do all the important stuff like pray, read your scriptures, go to church first and then you will have time to do all the other stuff - like go to school and work and have fun too. But if you try to do the other stuff first, it really doesn´t all fit in. Well, it was a great idea, but we really didn´t have any rocks to use. So like any good missionaries would do, we went to the street to look for some rocks. We found some really small rocks and some medium sized rocks in the road and spent a good fifteen minutes picking them all up and putting them in the pockets of our coats (by the way, it is really starting to get cold here. I´ve already whipped out my wool tights). Every once in a while, a car or a moto would go by and the people would look at us like we were nuts. I would look up and smile at them like I was normal, but Hna. Clark tried to keep her head down "so they won´t think that Mormons are crazy." Pretty entertaining. So we took our pockets full of rocks to our apartment to see if we could make it work (with about an hour before our FHE was supposed to start) and found that the medium rocks weren´t big enough. So we ran out of our apartment, remembering that a road was under construction right next to our building. On the way down the stairs, we saw some planters with the perfect size rocks in them and I really wanted to borrow them (with every intent of returning them), but Hna. Clark wasn´t up for it. Probably better that way. So we sprinted to the road and found a bunch of big rocks and sprinted back to our apartment, tested it out (and it totally worked) and then sprinted to the FHE at the member´s house. Well, it turned out that the rock thing didn´t really work because it didn´t fit in the jar no matter what order you put it in, but they were all nice to us and pretended that it worked and got what we wanted them to out of it. But overall, it went well and was a totally crazy, rock-hunting filled day.
Also, Hna. Clark has been overjoyed this past week that it is getting colder. She says that she likes winter better because we have big coats that cover our bodies and it looks like we have no form and the men aren´t as creepy. I thought it was pretty funny, but so far it has proved to be totally untrue. We had the creepy police officer that asked us for our number. I thought he was totally nice so I gave it to him and took his, just in case we were ever in danger. Then we got a text from him on Sunday morning that said," How is the most beautiful woman who´s ever crossed my path? Are you leaving to preach the word today or are you resting?" Yeah, we didn´t text him back and my trust of Argentine men went down even more. And then we left our house and a guy said to us," Will one of you marry me?" Umm, no. Gracias.
But life is good and we are planning on helping Rocío get baptized. She´s really going to make it now and we know that she is so ready. We just have to have our bishop and ward on board with us. But the mission is good and we are working hard. It´s getting cold and we are looking for new investigators, but feeling more and more support from the ward every day. This ward really is great and I feel lucky to be working here, even with the fish smell. Love you all! Have a lovely week! Go to church and it will probably be better. :)
Hna. Seegmiller

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