Hello Familia,
I am sending you some lovely pictures from our Christmas festivities. We spent
Christmas Eve with the abuelitos and their son, who was visiting from Mendoza. It was fun. We had an asado (tons of meat on the grill) and a large fruit salad. I kinda had a cold though so I couldn´t really taste what I was eating and it was really hard to eat because I couldn´t breathe if I had stuff in my mouth. But it was still fun. Then the Abuelitos made us stay there until midnight so that we could toast with them and then watch the fireworks. Hna. Olsen and I were dying falling asleep on the table. We drank Pineapple Fizz and watched the fireworks outside. There weren´t that many, but it´s supposedly "prohibited" in Bahía so there were a lot if you think about the fact that there weren´t supposed to be any. Then we went home and did a quick version of our very own Live Nativity (because both our families do it) and recorded it. We had to switch out a lot because there are only two of us and there are a lot more parts in it than just two, but we made it work.
We also had our lovely mission talent show for
Christmas this last Wednesday and it turned out really well. Hna. Olsen and I did a song and dance to the song "A Professional Pirate" from
Muppet Treasure Island. We rewrote the lyrics (in Spanish, which was actually really hard) to be "Cuando sos una misionera" (when you´re a missionary). It could be funny to some people so I´m going to write all the lyrics. For those of you who don´t speak Spanish, maybe you can use
freetranslation.com? It´s also weird because it´s Argentine Spanish.
Cuando estaba en la casa, saliendo con los chicos,
Mi mamá me dijo," Ya tenés 21 y pico.
Vos podés estudiar o podés tener bebés.
¿Por qué no utilizás la belleza que tenés?"
Oh hey ho ho
Podés ir a un pais, conocer a mucha gente y comer lo que te dan,
Seguimos subiendo aunque caminamos mucho
Cuando sos una misionera, viste es lo que hay.
(Yelled) Vamos hermanas! 6 meses a sexy
Por ejemplo, una hermana, los miembros la adoran,
Pero a los elderes, cuando llaman, les molestan,
Si mirás al corazón, las va a conocer,
Y todos prefieren una hermana a un élder!
Oh hey ho ho
Hay que aprovechar. Siempre hay una compi que le gusta cocinar,
Lleva la pollera que deja cuando baje,
Cuando sos una misionera, No tenés que llevar un traje!
Pudiera estar trabajando, Prefiero andar en la lluvia
Pudiera ser pelliroja, Pero sin siesta, soy más rubia.
Ahora estudio mis escrituras, pero pudiera haberme graduado.
Y yo pudiera haberme casado.
Se dicen que misioneras son sensible y debe evitarlas
Yo digo que son re-buenas y no hay que quitarlas.
Nunca nos pegamos, ni miramos a las chicas.
Bautizamos a todos - los pobres y las ricas!
Hey ho ho
No vamos a la misa,
Aprendemos mucho, nos matamos de la risa.
Somos hijas de Dios, no lo vamos a negar.
Cuando sos una misionera,
Serás linda y osada.
Lo que pides, te será dada.
Serás linda y suerte,
Y tendrás
buena suerteY lo más importante,
Cuando sos una misionera, siempre tenés la mejor acompañante!
Yeah, that´s the end. sorry if you didn´t understand any of it, but I thought it was pretty clever. Just picture Hna. Olsen and I dressed as pirates and singing that song (without music, we couldn´t find any) for our mission president and about 70 elders. Pretty entertaining.
Oh, also, I got transferred. I´m in Tandil now to help Hna. Wilding finish her mission. It´s a pretty place, but the branch only has 20 members so it looks like we´ve got our work cut out for us. I think I will like it and I´m living with three other hermanas so that should be fun. Well, I hope everything is going well in America. I do miss it, but
Argentina is nice too. Love you all so much! Thanks for the support and the prayers!
Hna. Seegmiller